Data Protection and Privacy

Last Updated: August 31, 2024
Our automation solutions are built with privacy by design, fully adhering to GDPR, CCPA, and other regional data protection laws. We ensure data minimization, purpose limitation, and user consent management are baked into every delivery solution we provide.
Certainly. Let's break down this statement into simpler, more digestible parts:
  • Privacy by design:
    This means we consider privacy from the very beginning when creating our automation tools. It’s not an afterthought – it’s a fundamental part of how we build our solutions.
  • Adherence to laws:
  • GDPR: A strict European law about data protection
  • CCPA: California’s privacy law
  • Other regional laws: We also follow data protection rules in other areas
  • Key privacy principles we follow:
    a) Data minimization:
    We only collect and use the data that’s absolutely necessary. No extra information is gathered “just in case.”
    b) Purpose limitation:
    We use data only for specific, stated purposes. If we collect your email for sending updates, we won’t use it for anything else without your permission.
    c) User consent management:
    We make sure users can easily give or withdraw their permission for how their data is used.
  • Integration into processes:
    These privacy features aren’t add-ons. They’re deeply integrated (“baked into”) every automated process we create.
In simpler terms, we’re saying: “We take your privacy seriously. Our automation tools are built from the ground up to protect your data, follow the strictest privacy laws, and give you control over your information. We only collect what we need, use it only for what we say we will, and make it easy for you to say yes or no to how we use your data.”