Automation Monitoring and Support

Robotic Operations Center (ROC)

SLA-Based Monitoring and Maintenance of Automations in Production.

Automation Monitoring

Automation Monitoring: Active monitoring of automations to ensure successful completion, crucial for time-sensitive, high financial impact, or regulatory-compliant processes.

Code Changes: Business logic updates, bug fixes, code improvements, and standardization to adapt to frequent changes in website/application interfaces or to add new features.

Automation Incidents/Failures: Handling automation failures, restarts, input format corrections, website/application issues, or credential resets to ensure smooth operation.

Platform/Environment Maintenance: Maintenance, upgrades, and monitoring of platforms, virtual machines, and applications to prevent processing issues and ensure timely automation starts.

Robotic Operations Center (ROC)

Techyon’s ROC is a maintenance and support program for established RPA programs running production automations. Utilizing a global delivery model, the ROC supports and monitors automations 24×7 with a comprehensive set of tools and utilities, including Automated Deployment Utilities, Automated Provisioning Scripts, and Monitoring Dashboards. Our services encompass L1, L2, Platform Support, and Automation Enhancements.

Who is Techyon ROC?

  • Support Engineers: Specializing in RPA support methodology, monitoring, incident management, data management, and business user communication. They are the frontline specialists who preemptively identify and resolve issues.

  • Automation Engineers: Focused on process optimization, new feature integration, code repairs, incident resolution, and standardization. They ensure the continuous enhancement and repair of your automations.

  • Infrastructure Engineers: Experts in RPA infrastructure design, troubleshooting, platform upgrades, and new feature installation. They support the foundation of your RPA program.

Why Choose Techyon Our Services?

Shifting to Techyon Managed Services allows your organization to accelerate new solution creation by freeing developers to focus on new projects while ensuring existing solutions are maintained and improved.

Managed ROC Benefits

  • Scalable: Support scales with your RPA program, providing high-quality, cost-effective support for programs of all sizes and maturity levels.

  • Customizable: Tailor support hours, team size, and services to meet your specific needs.

  • Capacity Driven: Developers can focus on new projects while ROC supports and maintains existing automations, determining optimal support levels for your program.

  • Continuity: Automation knowledge remains within the program, reducing concerns about employee turnover.

  • Service Level Agreements (SLAs): We provide Response and Resolution SLAs to align your support team with your business priorities, ensuring accountability and efficiency.

About the ROC

Techyon’s ROC Monitoring and Support saves time, money, and headaches by addressing:
  • Automation errors and issues
  • Downtime
  • Code corrections and changes
  • Business process and application changes
  • Input and output issues
  • Dashboard and reporting struggles
Partner with Techyon ROC to boost confidence in your RPA program while efficiently addressing the most critical aspects of your production automations.

Addressing Unmanaged RPA Issues

Unmanaged RPA support tickets lead to:
  • Increased automation downtime
  • Lower ROI
  • Issue backlogs
  • Business disruptions
This results in a lack of confidence in the RPA program and unhappy users.