Solution Discovery & Pipeline Generation

Process Optimization and Automation Opportunity Discovery: Uncover Actionable Optimization and Automation Opportunities within Your Organization

Solution Discovery

What is Solution Discovery?

Solution Discovery is a structured process for identifying key business challenges and determining the best combination of technologies and process reengineering to address them effectively.

Elevate Your Program to the Next Level

Solution Discovery is Techyon’s flagship service designed to build a pipeline of qualified, ROI-focused digital opportunities quickly and efficiently. Whether your organization is starting new digital initiatives or has a mature Center of Excellence (COE) looking to expand into areas such as document processing, process mining, data analytics, or business intelligence, our agile, non-disruptive approach ensures your program reaches its full potential.

Why Do Digital Initiatives Fail?

Digital initiatives can fail for several reasons:

  • Lack of Formalized Discovery Methodology or Digital Strategy: Without a structured discovery process, organizations risk investing time and resources in projects that don’t align with their desired solutions. Solution Discovery helps identify high-value opportunities and build a robust project pipeline to sustain ongoing digital transformation efforts.

  • Lack of Transformation Commitment From Top Management: Successful digital initiatives require serious investment and champions within upper management. Solution Discovery ensures strategic opportunities are identified, securing executive sponsorship and benefiting all business areas.

  • Not Having a Robust & Flexible Project Pipeline: A strong pipeline of emerging technology projects provides continuous opportunities for transformation and significant benefits to the business. Solution Discovery helps create a self-funding program that builds confidence in the technology.

  • Unrealistic Expectations: Not everything can or should be automated. Understanding the capabilities of emerging technology is key to prioritizing efforts and delivering ROI. Solution Discovery provides a realistic assessment of what can be achieved.

What You Can Expect

Where Can Solution Discovery Be Applied?

Solution Discovery can be implemented across any enterprise area where automation benefits are desired. Key factors to consider when prioritizing business units for solution discovery include:

  • Importance to the Organization: Focus on units responsible for significant revenue or critical operations.
  • Process Complexity: Prioritize units with complex, interdependent processes that can benefit most from optimization.
  • Impact on Customer Satisfaction: Consider units where process improvements can enhance customer experiences.
  • Potential for Cost Savings: Target areas with significant potential for cost reduction.
  • Scalability: Focus on processes that can be scaled across the organization.